Here's how The Bloggess decided to pay it forward.
The past few days have been a whirlwind and I’m exhausted and have given myself hives so please forgive the typos.
A few days ago I put up a post offering $30 gift cards to the first twenty people who didn’t know how they were going to give their kids Christmas gifts this year. They went frighteningly quickly. When I got to the twentieth person I saw that there were still a few more people who needed help and my heart sunk. Then a few comments in one person said “I’ll take care of the 21st person”. Then another person offered a card for the 22nd. Then another. Then it avalanched...Amazing. The Washington Post wrote up an article.
I don't feel like I go too big at Christmas, I usually just buy gifts for immediate family and occasionally close friends. Though I try and come up with a list of gift ideas throughout the year so it's not just a mad dash to find something that will work for the recipient, about half-way through the shopping, that's exactly what it becomes. Then I tell myself that next year will be different. Maybe we'll have an agreement that all gifts must be hand-made or set limits on how much we're going to spend or pull 1 name out of a hat. Bottom line, I think my loved ones enjoy the time spent together over the gifts received. Need to remind myself of that so that I don't get distracted next year once the Christmas music starts getting played 24/7.
I'll write another entry after the holidays to let you know how the gifts given this year went over. A couple of them are paying it forward in a way.
Thanks Bloggess for spreading holiday cheer and some major inspiration.