Monday, March 28, 2011


...being able to sleep in.  I enjoy my sleep and being able to laze about the house on weekend (or holiday) mornings.  Not getting as much sleep as I'd like is one of those selfish reasons I didn't want to have kids. health.  Recovered from a nasty cold a month ago.  I don't remember a cold hitting me quite so hard.  Exhausted, sinus pressure, lots of congestion, bad cough, not able to sleep.  Being preggers meant I couldn't take my usual Alka Seltzer cold medicine which would have taken care of some of my symptoms and helped me sleep.  I got by on a dose of tylenol and sudafed here and there.  Thankful I didn't get Darren sick!

...Netflix.  I went through about a season and a half of Dexter while sick.  Probably a good thing there aren't any more seasons available on instant view.

1 comment:

Amy said...

Hey I've been watching Dexter too!! I'm on season 2 and totally hooked now. :)

BTW I'm so excited for you!!!!